QWF + ELAN Schmoozer
Monday, October 30, 6-8pm
Resonance Café, 5175A Park Avenue, Montreal
FREE and open to all!
RSVP: admin@quebec-elan.org or click "Going” in the Facebook event
On the fence about coming? View our newly released video…

CINARS Info Session
Are you a performing artist that is interested in touring? Are you familiar with CINARS (the International Exchange for the Performing Arts)?
CINARS is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote and support the export of…

Call for Submissions: October 2017
Montreal City Voices invites women of all ages to join their chorus rehearsals on Wednesdays from 7:30-9:45pm. For more information contact mtlcityvoices@gmail.com.
Visual Arts
Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, with…

Job Opportunities: October 2017
WISTA is hiring various positions for the production and creative teams for their upcoming musical, The Addams Family (June 2018). To apply, submit your CV to info@wista.ca by OCTOBER 15.
Atelier Circulaire is…

Workshops: October 2017
Register for one of 23 workshops on visual arts, music and dance as part of Georges-Vanier Cultural Center's Fall programming.
Sign-up for YES Montreal’s free arts orientation session, Jump Start Your…

Visiting Curators Series Panel & Reception
Sunday, October 22, 5:00-8:30pm
5:00pm; Panel/Q&A 5:30-7:00pm; Reception 7:00-8:30pm
Parisian Laundry - 3550 Saint-Antoine West
Drinks and refreshments will be served
RSVP: admin@quebec-elan.org or click 'Going' on the Facebook…

Director’s Message: October 2017
ELAN’s 2017 edition of Arts Alive! Québec kicked off July 1 in pelting rain, and ended September 24 in melting heat. The vagaries of weather were beyond our control, but three years of steadily growing audiences, media attention, collaborators,…