Participate in Our 2020 Holiday Video!
Help us spread the cheer as we reach the end of 2020 (I banish thee!)
We know it has been an especially trying year, for some more than others. We want to end the year on an optimistic note -- one that serves as a reminder that we are a community…

Director’s Message – December, 2020
Guy Rodgers with Rob Lutes filming for We're All In This Together SENIORS Project
Photo by: Bobbi-Jo Hart
This has been a grindingly tough year, and few of us will be unhappy to see 2020 vanish in the rear-view mirror. Vaccines…

SENIORS project: We’re All in This Together
The first two episodes of We're All in This Together were filmed in the last week of November and will soon be on-line at ELAN’s new YouTube channel. The opening episode is about baking holiday cookies and the second episode is a Holiday Concert…

SELFIES – December, 2020
ELAN is scheduling six Discussion Groups about the complex identities within Quebec’s English-speaking communities and our sense of belonging. Each Discussion Group brings together people whose families arrived in Quebec during the same period…