ACE Initiative & ArtistsInspire Grants

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Apply for School Grants for Artist-Facilitated Workshops

Fantastic news!~ Schools can apply for their 2020-21 ArtistsInspire School Grant anytime throughout the school year! Consult our catalogues of ready-made virtual workshops and eligibility criteria.
Sonia performing North Indian Classical dance to students in Quebec

workshop participants in total!

“It was really good, I really liked it. It was fun and a little complicated. I learned a lot.”

– Youth participant, ArtistsInspire online workshops, spring/summer 2020


online workshops thus far!

“My kids and I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. It really rekindled my 6 year old daughter’s interest in creating art. It introduced her to new ideas and creative ways. She was really excited to share her art with other people. When one of her pieces was shown amongst a slide show she shouted out, “Hey, that’s mine!” She thought that was really fun. The other day she asked, “When can I do more?”

– Parent participant, ArtistsInspire online workshops, spring/summer 2020

Cover Page for Supporting Youth through mental health initiatives report. Image features the title and watercolour paintings of orange and green leaves

Youth Mental Health Initiative

ELAN’s ArtEd program has been invited to participate in a 3-year Youth Mental Health Initiative funded by the Fondation Lucie & André Chagnon  and the Government of Quebec’s Secretariat à la Jeunesse. The overall goal of the project being managed by the Community Health & Social Services Network (CHSSN) is: “ to improve access to mental health resources and services for young English-speaking Quebecers ages 15 -29 in order to better meet their needs, especially those exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

All Artists who will be working with youth ages 15 – 29 before March 2022 are invited to participate in the learning communities that we will facilitate.

ACE Initiative


From 2018-20, ACE is providing facilitation and coaching to support school leaders, community partners, arts organizations and artists from 20 schools across Quebec to plan and implement ACE projects. ACE projects take place over an extended time period, are cross-curricular and achieve education program goals in multiple subject areas.

ArtistsInspire Grants


In 2019, ELAN launched the ArtistsInspire Grants (AIG) program in collaboration with LEARN as a new source of funding for official-language minority schools to hire artists. The $1500 ArtistsInspire Grants will enable students and teachers to participate in hands-on creative experiences about and in the arts.

Arts and Education are natural partners. The benefits for students in developing identity, creativity, and self-expression are well documented. Arts-based projects positively impact self-esteem, community and school pride and participants’ connections with each other, across generations and cultures—outcomes that are vital to individual and community well-being.

Why Does ArtEd Matter?

Capacity Building

increasing autonomy and skill among project coordinators, educators, individual artists, and other stakeholders to collaboratively design and implement projects; developing knowledge and skills needed to leverage funding available from ACE/AIG.


not only between artists and schools, but between school boards, community and non-profit organizations, government representatives, around shared goals.

Cross-sectoral Collaboration

strengthening connections between arts and education professionals, helping artists and educators understand each other’s terminology, needs, and perspectives.

Artist Profiles


artist profiles created by August 2019

« The ultimate goal of the program is that through the hands-on creative experiences that artists facilitate, teachers, students and community members in the province are inspired to develop their creativity capacity in ways that lead to individual and community outcomes for learning, wellbeing and socio-economic development. »

– Lead Consultant, Christie Huff

Connect with us!

If you are an artist who is interested in our programs, please contact us through artistsinspiregrants@quebec-elan.org. We want to connect with every artist who identifies as a member of the English-speaking communities of Quebec and has experience working in school settings.

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