Prototype de solutions numériques

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ARTSCAST Live Broadcast and Québec Relations teamed up to present a webinar on live streaming, which took place on March 3, 2021. Missed the event? Don’t fret! You can view a recording of the video on the left.

ELAN’s ARTS2U project was created to help artists increase their visibility on digital platforms. Covid-19 left many live performers navigating a very murky and difficult reality. Thus, ARTS2U launched ARTSCAST, a pilot project that aims to compile best practices and guides for artistic live broadcast productions.

To read more about ARTSCAST’s finding, you can see their latest webinar on live streaming here and consult their Compendium here.

ARTS2U presents ARTCAST Live Broadcast Series, showcasing Québec arts & culture with quality live stream performances. ARTCAST is calling artists of all disciplines to apply if they would like to be hosted!

Fill out this form to apply!

Learn more about ARTCAST:

ARTS2U est une plateforme informative en matière d’événements artistiques et culturels.

Les informations sont rassemblées dans une base de données structurée, puis elles sont transmises aux médias afin que ceux-ci les affichent sur leurs sites web ou les acheminent directement au public, ce qui permet aux producteurs d’événements de gagner du temps et d’éviter de recourir à des intermédiaires.

Scans your Website

After producers opt in, the ARTS2U scans the website for published events.

Producer Approves Data

Producer approves the data before the event is published to ARTS2U and distributed to media.

Data Renders into ARTS2U Feed

Your event is publish onto the ARTS2U feed, appearing in public searches and easy to find by category.

Media Distribution

Feed is distributed to media and public across different channels.

Making Technology Accessible

Technologies including data structuring, natural language processing, AI, and machine learning must be understood and made available to arts producers. ARTS2U is connected with a network of arts producers in multiple disciplines across the country who are participants in the digital transformation of the sector.

What are the Benefits?

The immediate benefit for the arts sector is an improved visibility for arts events. Producers have access to query-able metadata that was previously given away to transnational intermediaries such as Facebook and Google.

Photo by Kinga Michalska (2018).

Discover our Research

ISED Report

Between August 2018 and March 2019, ELAN’s Prototype Digital Solutions research project conducted prototype development toward a more effective digital marketing system for Quebec-based English-language arts producers.


With the ​Developing Connections & Collaborations Among Digital Initiatives​ ​(DCCADI​) project, ELAN’s ARTS2U has​ worked with Canada-wide digital initiatives in the arts, and provides recommendations for increased visibility on digital platforms.

Validate ARTS2U Business Model Project Report

ARTS2U has completed the validation of its business planning phase, aka VABM (Validate ARTS2U Business Model) project which was funded by Innovation Science Economic Development Canada. The research has detailed revenue and cost structures to define more completely the ARTS2U business model. Consult the report to learn more!

All ARTS2U Reports

In January 2020, the beta version of the website went live! You can discover more of the research that informed this initiative by the visiting the project website.

Developing Connections and Collaborations Among Digital Initiatives

Our free ARTS2U – Developing Connections and Collaborations Among Digital Initiatives (DCCADI) Webinar, took place on January 14.

Moderator and theatre creator Johanna Nutter hosted and interviewed an expert panel comprised of the DCCADI project team members. Experts included ARTS2U Project Manager Daniel Webster, ELAN’s Executive Director Guy Rodgers, ELAN Program Manager Swati Khanna, and Technology Developer Robert Brockie.

Photo by Kinga Michalska (2017).

Project Evolution

Latest from ARTS2U

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Plan d’action post-pandémie d’ARTSCAST – Les résultats du sondage  !

Merci de votre participation ! La recherche-action d’ARTCAST sur les problèmes et voies à suivre dans l’après-pandémie a permis de recueillir des données sur la relance des événements présentés en direct et les nouvelles opportunités…

Funding Acknowledgements