Provincial funding assistance for English-speaking artists and organizations in Quebec: Welcome to the Québec Relations project!

Ce contenu n’est pas encore disponible français.

Searchable Quebec Funding Platform – in English

Finding information about arts funding in English in Quebec can be challenging. This site presents translated summaries of information obtained from each the websites of various Quebec funding bodies. We strive to ensure that all program information is as accurate and up-to-date as possible in order to help you navigate the funding opportunities in Quebec. Visit our searchable funding platform to find Quebec arts funding for your project.

Free Funding Consultations and Grant Application Assistance

Québec Relations offers one-on-one consultations to help you find the grant programs that best meet you needs and to make sense of the eligibility criteria. When it comes time to apply to any Quebec-based funder (e.g. CALQ, SODEC), we offer referrals to work with an experienced grant consultant – at no charge – to teach you the grant-writing fundamentals and help you apply with greater confidence. Contact us today at to request your consultation. Click here to learn about other services and benefits for ELAN members.

About Québec Relations

When the project first launched in 2018, Québec Relations had one primary goal: to improve the flow of information between the ministries and funding bodies of the Government of Quebec and the English-language arts community. Through extensive research and documentation, we worked to help members of the community to better understand the services and funding sources available to them.

Now in its fourth year, the project has grown to encompass two main areas: its continued research phase, where surveys, focus groups and consultations allow us to better understand the community’s needs; and its resource phase, where we turn that research into action to help meet those needs. Based on in-depth feedback from surveys and focus groups, we’ve been able to develop resources such as:

Over 190 Grant Programs

on our searchable Quebec funding platform

  • Over 190 Quebec Grant programs for arts organizations and individual artists
  • Information summarized and translated into English
  • For many grants, this site is the only place to find this info in English

Free one-on-one funding consultations

and grant-writing assistance for Quebec-based grants

  • in our first year alone, we provided over 120 consultations with artists and organizations in the community
  • 66 went on to work with our team of grant advisors on a provincial grant application
  • Assistance with CALQ, SODEC, Ministry of Culture, etc.

Capacity-building webinars and workshops

live and archived

  • Guidance through the provincial arts funding system
  • Help incorporating your collective as a not-for-profit
  • New workshops added to the calendar regularly
  • New webinars added below!

“Thank you a million times for ELAN’s support! It’s seriously career-changing.”

“I’m glad I attended the session. It was very informative. I have renewed hope. I’m going to try CALQ again. I tried years ago and gave up.”

“I have to say I am blown away by the workshops and resources offered by ELAN, including today’s Grant Writing Workshop.”

« Thank you Nick and Guy for the Herculean task you have accomplished in creating this comprehensive information platform. Navigating the plethora programs can be overwhelming, particularly in a second language, so this will be very helpful. »

During COVID-19 and social distancing, ELAN and Québec Relations have connected with our community by providing a series of webinars on funding and resources in the province. These webinar videos are free for public viewing.

Moving Beyond COVID-19: An Introduction to Provincial Arts Funding & Grant-Writing Assistance

COVID-19 Resources for Artists

Introduction to Live Streaming and Monetization

Non-Arts Funding For Organizations

Registering your Not-for-Profit Organization

Helping Organizations Find Funding in the Arts and Beyond

Digital Presence

Culture in the Schools Repertoire

ARTSCAST x Québec Relations Webinar on Live Streaming

If you have question about any of the webinars above please consult our FAQs page. If your question is not in the document please contact Nick Maturo at

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Did You Know?

In 2010, ELAN established a working group on Arts, Culture and Heritage with federal decision-makers.