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A Letter from Miranda Castravelli, ELAN’s new Executive Director

Blue banner image reading "letter from the director"

Dear members,  

It is with great pleasure that I address you officially for the first time.  With its combination of advocacy, artistry and outreach, ELAN has long been positioned as an important hub at the centre of the greater arts community. ELAN also offers its members a genuine place where their voices will be heard, and where they have the ability to effect change. I am very proud to be a part of this important work.   

The sector is not without its challenges though, as you well know. It is still early days, but already several concerns have been brought up that seem to me in need of addressing. Chief among these being regular employment for artists that is ongoing and sustainable.  We must work on the recognition that art IS a real job, and has greater societal value than it gets credit for. There are also real concerns for English speakers in the province and how they get access to the same services as their French counterparts. Issues of Equity and Diversity are also always foremost on our minds, especially in today’s political climate of growing conservatism.  

But recognizing these issues is just the first step. We need to work towards implementing practical solutions with tangible results. As we face a year of uncertainty ahead, I ask that you, our community, engage with us. Lend us your experience and your expertise. We’ll be reaching out to you in the coming months so you can let us know directly what is important to you. 

As well, please keep abreast of our ongoing government initiatives. When we can, we will engage you, the front-line experts, in whatever capacity you have appetite for. More advocacy news will be coming soon.

With mutual respect and a common purpose, we can achieve great things, even in adversity. I hope you will join me on this journey, and I look forward to getting to know you all better in the coming months. 

With Warm Regards,  

Miranda Castravelli 
Executive Director