
AGM Save the Date & Board Nominations for 2022-2023

Save the Date:
ELAN’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday August 15, 2022 5:30 -7:30. Location TBD.

Nominations for the English Language Arts Network Board of Directors (2022- 2023)
Please note that ELAN’s board members serve 2-year terms. Below, we’ve noted the number of seats per category, and how many are open for election at the 2021-2022 AGM. Those marked with and asterisk (*), have current board members standing for re-election

Dance : 1* of 2 seats open
Film and Television: 1 of 2 seats open
Music: 1 of 2 seats open
Theatre: 1* of 2 seats open
Visual Arts: 0 of 2 seats open
Writing and Publishing: 0 of 2 seats open
Artists in the Regions: 0 of 2 seats open
Arts Presenter: 1 of 1 seat open
Corporate: 1 of 1 seat open

If you have any questions, please contact deborah@localhost. Please fill out, sign and return the attached document to vanessa@localhost by July 15, 2022.