ELAN Seeks Arts Jury Members
ELAN is looking for your help to build a jury for a new micro-grant project
- Deadline for Projects with expenses that run between April 1, 2025-March 31, 2026 has been extended to February 3rd, 2025
- ELAN will be hosting the following info session for folks wanting to learn more about joining the jury:
- Trellis Briefing Meeting for potential jury members
Jan 21, 2025 06:00 PM Click here to Register
- Trellis Briefing Meeting for potential jury members
The Trellis Micro-grant (TMG) project, supported by The Department of Canadian Heritage’s Official Languages Support Programs, seeks to highlight English-language Arts and Artists to make them visible to a broader community, and build bridges between Québec’s English-speaking minority and Francophone majority.
ELAN’s TMG project will distribute micro grants to, predominantly, English- language artists and arts organizations over the next 4 years. Read more about the project here.
To ensure an equitable and fair application process, ELAN has set up an easy application form and funding recommendations will be made by a blind jury of peers. Each jury will consist of representation from all arts disciplines, and an arts administrator. ELAN staff will vet applications for eligibility, then remove identifying information before sharing the applications with jury members. ELAN staff will support the jury process but will not have a vote on funding recommendations.
Jury duty will involve:
- Logging initial impressions through a form shared online
- Attending a jury meeting to finalize recommendations
- All jury members will receive an honorarium for their time
There will be two application calls to be juried this year; one jury for projects spanning August 2024-March 31st 2025 and a second for projects running from April 1, 2025- March 31, 2026.
Jury 1 will meet the week of January 13th, 2025 Jury 2 will meet the week of February 10th, 2025.
If you would like to be considered as a juror, please send a letter of interest including a short bio, details of previous jury experience if any, and your contact information to trellismicrogrants [at] gmail.com *

*Note: use the traditional @ symbol in the email address. Our use of “[at]” in this article is for security purposes.