Participate in Post Pandemic Action Research, Issues and Ways Forward
The ARTSCAST Post Pandemic Action Plan, Issues and ways forward, Artist and Producer survey is gathering responses with regard to the relaunch of live events along with additional opportunities to include digital value added options including live streams and digital packages.
As an English language arts producer, or self producing artist, you are invited to take part in our ARTSCAST Post Pandemic Action Plan Survey. This survey is supported by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and will help the ARTCAST initiative to focus efforts in the coming year. It will also serve funding agencies an informed resource to gauge the state of affairs for self producing artists and producers.
Click here to participate. There are fifteen mostly multiple choice questions.
If you have questions that cannot be responded to in the survey please reply directly to
Let’s make 2022 an extraordinary rebounding year for the arts! Thank you for your participation! The ARTCAST Post Pandemic Action Plan report is being funded by ISED (Innovation Science and Economic Development, Canada).