Québec Relations: Our 2021 Webinar Series Begins with Live Streaming and ARTSCAST
The wait is over: Québec Relations is ready to kick off our webinar series for 2021, and we’re starting with a special presentation in collaboration with ELAN’s ARTSCAST project!
As a follow-up to last year’s Introduction to Live Streaming and Monetization webinar, we want to take you beyond the basics and help you make live streaming an exciting and vital part of your artistic practice, both during COVID-19 and beyond. Join us Friday, February 26th from 2 to 3 PM as the ARTS2CAST team shares the wealth of information they’ve gathered in launching their ARTSCAST broadcast series, an exciting pilot project which works with artists and venues to bring high quality live broadcasts to audiences worldwide. Not only will the team explain the fundamentals and walk you through the process of setting up a live stream step-by-step, they’ll be there to answer your questions and even offer one-on-one consultations for ELAN members.
Spaces for this webinar will be limited so we strongly suggest you RSVP as soon as possible to ensure your spot by sending an email to research@quebec-elan.org. We also ask that, out of respect to others, you only register if you know you’ll be able to join us on the 26th (for anyone who’s not sure, we’ll be making a recording available afterwards!).
And for those of you already thinking about grant applications for the year ahead, it’s never too soon to get in touch with us to discuss your funding options or ask about our free grant assistance. Contact us at research@quebec-elan.org today to find out how we can help you take your grant applications to the next level in 2021!
CERB Clawback
Have you received a letter from the CRA regarding potential clawback of your CERB benefits? ELAN wants to hear from you! If you received CERB benefits in 2020 and are now dealing with confusion surrounding issues like net versus gross income or whether or not your grants are considered eligible, we want to document your circumstances to better understand how CERB repayments may impacting the English-speaking arts community. We encourage you to contact us via email at research@quebec-elan.org to share your story and help us shed some light on this situation.