QWF + ELAN Schmoozer
Resonance Café, 5175A Park Avenue, Montreal
FREE and open to all!
RSVP: admin@quebec-elan.org or click “Going” in the Facebook event
On the fence about coming? View our newly released video to find out what Schmoozers all about!
Join us for a shared networking event for Quebec’s English language artists and writers.
Catch up with old friends, meet new ones and share what you’ve been working on. You don’t have to be an ELAN or QWF member to attend, so feel free to invite any friends or colleagues that you think might be interested. All artistic disciplines and backgrounds welcome!
Everyone can schmooze, and the first 10 ELAN or QWF members to contact us even get speaking slots for promotion during the Minute Market.
What’s a Minute Market?
Our Minute Market is a great opportunity to promote your current projects. The first ten ELAN or QWF members to contact admin@quebec-elan.org will be given a one-minute spot to market your latest work. (You will also be asked to provide a book, recording, art object, pair of tickets, or other small door prize to give away to the audience.)
Please join us! And spread the word!