We Belong Together: Celebrating Quebec English Communities
Join us on May 30 from 12PM to 5PM, at Concordia’s 4th Space and online via Zoom for a celebration of Quebec’s English-speaking communities.
ELAN is partnered with six other community organizations for a multi-year project about identity and belonging funded by le Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise. This project allowed ELAN to create Waves of Change in 2021 and What We Choose to Remember this year.
This event will showcase the exciting projects that the 6 partner groups forming the COM-Unity Project have been working on over the past year. They explore the theme of Belonging through poignant videos, candid discussions and reflections, moving interviews with seniors, inspiring spoken word and arts-based projects and heritage initiatives and involve hundreds of English-speaking Quebecers of all ages from around the province.