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ArtistsInspire School Grants: Deadline Extension!

Artists inspire grant new deadline

“How do we Stay Connected in a world pandemic? Bringing teachers, students and artists together virtually or in-person allows us to create unique and meaningful projects. These experiences connect, revive and inspire us!” Teaching Artist Emily Read on ArtistsInspire project with Carlyle Elementary School


ArtistsInspire School Grants: Deadline Extension!

The ELAN ArtEd team recognizes that teachers’ time and energies are continuing to be solicited in unprecedented ways this school year. In an effort to best support teachers, we are extending the deadline to apply for 2021-2022 $1500 ArtistsInspire School Grants.

NEW DEADLINE: March 18, 2022

The ELAN ArtEd team is working hard to support artists, teachers and schools in these challenging times. We believe that spending time with a professional Artist in a guided learning setting with the objective of making art can help. To help you and your contacts in education understand the ARtistsInspire program, check out these step-by-step videos:

Do not hesitate to forward our contact info to your contacts in education. We’re happy to answer any questions at artistsinspiregrants@quebec-elan.org or by phone at (438) 979-1171.


The ELAN ArtEd Team