Project News Updates June 2023
ELAN's projects are working hard all year round to bring important services, creations, and resources to the Quebec Arts community. Once a quarter, we do a round-up of project news so you can take a peek at what's on the go.
What We Choose…
Project News Updates March 2023
ELAN's projects are working hard all year round to bring important services, creations, and resources to the Quebec Arts community. Once a quarter, we do a round-up of project news so you can take a peek at what's on the go.
ArtistsInspire $1500 School Grants: Help Us Spread The Word!
“I’ve been teaching drama for twenty years. I was in a funk. And so I thought, I need something new, something fresh. I was very, very, very pleased [with ArtistsInspire] . It got me motivated again. It was so dynamic, I wanted to participate,…
Apply Now: ArtistsInspire $1500 School Grants
Calling on all Artists and allies to help us encourage all eligible Quebec schools to apply for year 4 of ArtistsInspire!
“ArtistsInspire is a fantastic way to bring all facets of art into the classroom. It was easy to navigate and there…
ELAN ArtEd’s Youth Mental Health Initiative
Supporting Students Through Supporting Teaching Artists
As Teaching Artists, we are often alone, carrying deep emotional experiences the youth share with us or dealing with conflicts or complicated group dynamics. This is a very meaningful…
Teaching Artists As Art Educators, Community Members And Role Models
Teaching Artists hold a special place in schools as guests who bring new and exciting ways of relating with students. When a Teaching Artist returns to the same school for multiple projects, they become members of the school community, developing…
ArtistsInspire School Grants: Deadline Extension!
“How do we Stay Connected in a world pandemic? Bringing teachers, students and artists together virtually or in-person allows us to create unique and meaningful projects. These experiences connect, revive and inspire us!" Teaching Artist…
ArtistsInspire School Grants: Supporting Youth Mental Health Through The Arts
"[Spoken Word Artist Rachel McCrum] brought us each agency, by helping students discover the power of words to be able to shape one’s experience of struggle… [M]any students cite Rachel’s virtual visits and lessons as the most…
Music & Sound in Schools: Listening, Playing and Adapting to Current Times
Music is “a way to take things from the inside... and then share them with other people. What ends up happening is people realize that we're all kind of struggling in similar ways.” Singer-songwriter Rob Lutes
Figuring out how to safely…
ArtED Program Call for Submissions for eligible BIPOC, LGBTQ2 and Regional Artists. Deadline: May 31, 2021
Call for Submissions especially geared to BIPOC, LGBTQ2 and Regional Artists.
Deadline: May 31, 2021
ELAN’s ArtEd program connects professional Artists who identify as members of Quebec’s English-speaking communities from every discipline…