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ELAN Board Nomination Form

ELAN is accepting nominations for its Board of Directors. In order to nominate someone for the board, please fill out the following form and send to Nick Maturo (nick.maturo[at]quebec-elan.org) by August 1, 2023. Currently, we have openings for Film & Television, Music, and Visual Arts.

Click here for a downloadable version of this form

English Language Arts Network Board of Directors Nominations (2023- 2024)

Annual General Meeting – Monday August 14, 2023

Please note that ELAN’s board members serve 2-year terms. Below, we have noted the number of seats per category, and how many are open for election at the 2022-2023 AGM.

If you have any questions, please contact deborah[at]quebec-elan.org.

Name of Nominee (please print): _____________________________________

Signature: _________________________ Date: _________ ELAN Membership #: __________

In accepting this nomination, I recognize that board members are expected to participate in ELAN’s policy development and implementation, to attend Board Meetings (approximately 6 per year) and to participate in various committees and activities aimed at expanding ELAN’s network with artists of all disciplines.

The above nominee represents the following discipline (please pick one): Please note: An asterisk beside the available number of seats, means that the seat is up for election, but that the member in the position has decided to stand for re-election.

Dance 0 of 2 seats open  Film and Television 1* of 2 seats open  Music 1*of 2 seats open  Theatre 0 of 2 seats open  Visual Arts 1 of 2 seats open
Writing and Publishing 1 of 2 seats open  Artists in the Regions 1 of 2 seats open  Arts Presenter 1* of 1 seat open  Corporate 0 of 1 seat open  

Nominated by: _______________________________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________ ELAN Membership #: _______________

Seconded by: ________________________________________

Signature: _______________________ELAN Membership #: ___________________

Please sign and return this document to Nick Maturo by August 1, 2023.