ELAN Board Nomination Form
ELAN is accepting nominations for its Board of Directors. In order to nominate someone for the board, please fill out the following form and send to Nick Maturo (nick.maturo[at]quebec-elan.org) by August 1, 2023. Currently, we have openings…
Ministère de la Culture et des Communications: Plan to Consolidate, Promote, and Advance the Cultural Sector [Translated Document]
[gview file="http://localhost/quebec/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/T-EN-Plan-pour-consolider-faire-briller-et-propulser-le-milieu-culturel-Marie-1.docx"]
AGM Package – 2021
You can download the 2021 AGM package via the link below. [gview file="https://www.quebec-elan.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/AGM-PackageVersionFinal-2021.pdf"]
AGM Package – 2019-2020
The 2019-2020 AGM package and report is available via the link below.
[gview file="https://www.quebec-elan.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Annual-report-2019-2020.pdf"]
This is the Time for Real Change
The ELAN team and Board are united in their shared revulsion at last week’s murder of an unarmed Black man by police in Minneapolis. This incident has sparked international outrage because every country in the world, and every city, has its…
ELAN Responds to CAM Report on Systemic Racism in the Arts
ELAN supports the initiative Conseil des arts de Montreal (CAM) has taken on studying and recognizing the systemic racism that is ingrained in institutional, artistic funding structures.
We see CAM’s report as the result of years of advocacy…
Statement Regarding Member Resignations from QCGN
The QCGN claims to be a member-driven network but the level of tension within the organization has been rising steadily over the past year to the point where today, nearly a third of voting members have left. The organizations that have left…
Press Release: State of the Arts Activation Conference
[gview file="https://www.quebec-elan.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/ELAN_SotA-ActivationConference_press-release_190307.pdf"]
ELAN’s AGM Package – 2018
[gview file="https://www.quebec-elan.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ELAN-Final-AGM-package-2018-.pdf"]
Policy Update: Montreal, Cultural Metropolis 2017-2022
The City of Montreal recently concluded consultations for its Cultural Development Project 2017-2022. Thanks to your input, ELAN had a lot to say about the policy in our own brief, which we presented to the Commission responsible for the…
More Notes from ELAN’s meeting with the Canada Council
The Canada Council for the Arts is on the brink of implementing its New Funding Model, and wants to make sure Quebec’s English-speaking artists have the information they need to make the leap.
ELAN’s Board of Directors met with Simon…