ELAN / McGill Music Mixer

Wednesday, December 6, 6-8 PM
Elizabeth Wirth Music Building – Room A832/833 (8th floor)
(527 rue  Sherbrooke west)
RSVP on Facebook

The ELAN / McGill Music Mixer is back for a 4th year. Music students (from any institution), professional musicians, and music aficionados are invited to join us for a relaxing evening of good conversation and wine. Come and connect with other local musicians and music enthusiasts  living in Montreal!

ELAN members and McGill music students: Don’t forget to sign up for Minute Market, an opportunity for artists to take a minute to promote their upcoming projects, recordings, albums, and/or upcoming events in front of a captivated audience of fellow artists and art lovers. Only the first ten applicants will be selected, so don’t wait! Reach us at: admin@quebec-elan.org.

ELAN membership is FREE for students. If you are interested in learning more about how you can become a member, refer to this link and/or get in touch with us at: membership@quebec-elan.org.