Access and Alternatives: Community Resources
Tony Alfonso from AMI-Quebec. All photos by Nasuna Stuart-Ulin.
The Access and Alternatives panel brought together the threads of conversations held throughout the Creative Resilience series, addressing the issues of scarcity and access…

Access and Alternatives: Panel Summary
From left to right: Lisa Ndejuru, Courtney Kirkby, Aimee Louw, Emily Enhorning, Lital Khaikin. All photos by Nasuna Stuart-Ulin. January 30, 2020.
Introduction to Access & Alternatives
Creative Resilience was a series of events that…

Resilience Theatre: Workshop Reflection
Stills from videos by Daybi.
On January 22, Lisa Ndejuru and Joliane Allaire facilitated the Resilience Theatre workshop, the third event in the Creative Resilience series. Through this workshop, participants confronted the ways in which…

Creative Resources: Mindfulness-based Approach to Self Care Workshop Reflection
Sonia Osorio. Photo by Nasuna Stuart-Ulin.
Throughout the Creative Resilience series, we explored the ways in which stereotypes around artists’ labour normalize harmful practices by creating a sense of inevitability around burn-out,…

Discovering and Playing with Fascial Topologies: Workshop Summary
Photo by Lital Khaikin.
“What institutionally sanctioned therapies fail to critically engage with, is the political operation of how the brain becomes subject. Perhaps unconsciously, or perhaps out of willful blindness, the dominant medical…

How Can We Repair? Strategies for Resilience from Performative Discussion on “burnout”
Last week, we published a summary of the first event in our Creative Resilience: Exploring Arts & Health series, the Performative Discussion on burnout at Studio 303. The discussion dealt with key issues such as how to cope with burnout…

Everything is Work: Summary on Performative Discussion about “burnout”
Photos by Lital Khaikin.
On Friday, November 15, we held the first event in our Creative Resilience: Exploring Arts & Health mini-series at Studio 303. The Performative Discussion on burnout drew a crowd of 35-40 people, with a steady…

Fascial Topologies – a schizo-somatic session
Still from Senselab / 3 Ecologies Institute video.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
5 to 7 PM @ SenseLab
Facilitated by Csenge Kolozsvari
1515 Sainte-Catherine W.
E.V. building – Room 10-785.
FREE / Open to everyone! RSVP…

Performative Discussion: burn-out
Image courtesy of Studio 303.
What is burn-out?
We are beginning Creative Resilience, our new mini-series on arts and health, with an open discussion on burn-out. Burn-out, a word increasingly familiar in creative industries, is not just…