ELAN 2019 Highlights
We've reached the end of another decade! 2019 was a busy year for ELAN, and we hope you're excited for what's still to come. We'd like to thank all of our members, funders, and partners for making this year a success. We wouldn't be here without…

ELAN 15: 2008
ELAN's 5th AGM.
What do official language minority-language artists need in Quebec?
In ELAN’s foundational years, this essential question guided our efforts to better understand and serve our members (and potential members), and shape…

Press Release: 15 Years of ELAN
On Monday, August 26, ELAN (English Language Arts Network) will be celebrating 15 years of serving the English-speaking arts community of Québec!
“ELAN is an organization for artists, by artists, and as a result, our projects and advocacy…

ELAN 15: 2007
ELAN celebrated its third year with more firsts! While this stage was still early on in ELAN’s development, our strategic focus turned to questions about the diversity and vitality of our membership. We wanted to know how we could be more…

ELAN 15: 2006
In 2006, ELAN’s second year in existence was one of significant growth and strategic partnerships. Our emerging place on the web began with the creation of our first website with funding from Canadian Content Online. This way,…

ELAN 15: 2004-2005
This year, we’re celebrating ELAN’s 15th Anniversary, which we’re marking at our Annual General Meeting on August 26, 2019! In this series, we’ll be sharing a bit of our history, and featuring some of our long-standing collaborators,…

ELAN15: Call for Performers
ELAN is marking its 15th Anniversary this year, and what better way to do it than by celebrating the work of our members! We're looking for Performing Artists to take the spotlight during our 15th Anniversary celebrations!
We welcome…

ELAN15 Booklet: Call for Submissions
This year, ELAN is marking its 15th anniversary, and what better way to do it than by celebrating the work of our members! We are printing a collectors’ edition booklet on ELAN’s history, and we want to feature a few pages of our members’…