Submit Your Posting to ELANews

ELANews, our e-newsletter sent out on the 1st of each month, reaches a broad readership of artists and arts lovers. Its a great way to spread the word about:

  • Job & volunteer opportunities

  • Calls seeking artistic collaborators

  • Discounts for ELAN members

  • Calls for submissions

  • Members’ news and events

  • Workshops

  • Et cetera…!

ELAN members can submit an item by e-mailing with the following info:

  • Title, date, time and location of your submission item, if applicable
  • A maximum of two sentences about your submission
  • If possible, a link to a website or Facebook event where newsletter subscribers can see more information
  • Sorry, we can’t post photos in the newsletter!

As always, member submissions will be included in ELANews and promoted via Twitter and Facebook!

Non-members: We post calls for submission, job and volunteer opportunities and other news items that benefit our members and community. You can submit items for consideration following the same steps above. To spread the word about your own artistic work, become a member!

NOTE: Submissions must be received at least 1 week before the 1st of the month to guarantee inclusion in ELANews!