
Director’s Message – July 2018

Guy Rodgers with Patrick Lloyd Brennan, Managing Director of Quebec Drama Federation

Photo by Nasuna Stuart-Ulin

July is a month for the great outdoors, staycations, or whatever form of great escape is most therapeutic for you. It is also a splendid month for day trips and outdoor festivals. Arts Alive! Québec will be at Huntingdon in the Chateauguay valley on Saturday July 8, the Morrin Centre in Quebec City (August 3-4), and Knowlton in the Eastern Townships (August 3-5). These are all beautiful places to visit with wonderful activities and events lined up, so I hope to see you there!

Meanwhile, back in the office we have had some changes in staff. Naima Phillips, who joined ELAN last fall as our Membership Services Coordinator, has had to leave us. During her eight months with us, Naima made a strong contribution toward implementing new services and incorporating membership more deeply into ELAN’s processes, projects, and communications. We wish Naima all the best.

Emily Enhorning, who was working with Naima as membership assistant, has assumed the role of Interim Membership Services Coordinator. Emily will be assisted by Isabelle Shi (Membership Assistant) and Jennifer Broydell (Special Projects Assistant) over the summer months as we complete a major overhaul of ELAN’s on-line membership system. Krista Muir has also joined us for the summer as Arts Alive! Québec Communications Assistant. We are pleased to welcome such a skilled and enthusiastic group to our team.

We are also writing final reports on projects from last winter/spring, and preparing new projects for the fall, as well as ELAN’s 14th Annual General Meeting on August 27. We will have plenty of news next month. For now, let’s make the most of the fleeting pleasures of July.


Guy Rodgers
Executive Director