Tag Archive for: ArtEd Initiatives

Music & Sound in Schools: Listening, Playing and Adapting to Current Times
Music is “a way to take things from the inside... and then share them with other people. What ends up happening is people realize that we're all kind of struggling in similar ways.” Singer-songwriter Rob Lutes
Figuring out how to safely…

ArtED Program Call for Submissions for eligible BIPOC, LGBTQ2 and Regional Artists. Deadline: May 31, 2021
Call for Submissions especially geared to BIPOC, LGBTQ2 and Regional Artists.
Deadline: May 31, 2021
ELAN’s ArtEd program connects professional Artists who identify as members of Quebec’s English-speaking communities from every discipline…

Teaching Artists’ role in Youth Mental Health: How do teaching Artists positively affect youth mental health through their facilitation of arts and culture processes in schools and communities?
“Bringing people together, inspiring soothing and sharing: these are the powers of art, the importance of which has been made emphatically clear during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
- Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO

ArtistsInspire $1500 School Grants
Educators are contacting us and applying to use their schools' $1500 ArtistsInspire Grants! This program connects professional Artists working in every discipline with English public schools across Quebec. Help us ensure every eligible school…

ArtistsInspire $1500 School Grants: Calling on all Artists and allies to help us encourage all eligible Quebec schools to apply!
ArtistsInspire $1500 School Grants:
Calling on all Artists and allies to help us encourage all eligible Quebec schools to apply! Please share our 2020-2021 ArtistsInspire School Grants program brochure with educators and parents you know…

ArtistsInspire $1500 School Grants: Offering 300 English public schools engaging Arts & Culture Experiences in 2020-2021, whether virtual or in-person
ELAN ArtEd’s Team is working hard to prepare for and communicate the 2020-2021 ArtistsInspire experience with educators, featuring multiple, sustained interactions with experienced Artists adept at virtual facilitation. Please help us by…

Teachers and Artists: A Symbiotic Relationship
ArtistsInspire pivoted from April to July 2020 to offer arts and learning online for people of all ages. We are delighted that our participants include many teachers! From Toy Theatre to Doodle Challenge and Spoken Word, teachers attended…

ArtistsInspire is expanding!
Are you a professional Artist, Artisan or Arts organization with experience facilitating in-person &/or virtual, interactive arts & culture activities for children, youth, adults, and/or seniors?
The English Language Arts Network’s…

ELAN ArtEd: ArtistsInspire’s Realignment and Transformation: Responding to Arts Education Needs During Social Distancing
Art remains of utmost value to the education of our youth, to how they learn, and how they engage with the world and themselves. ELAN ArtEd also continues to ensure that Artists are remaining engaged, and able to collaborate and contribute in…

ELAN ArtEd: Connecting & Creating with Artists, Youth & Families to Support Mental Health
By Christie Huff, Lead Learner at ELAN ArtEd
We've been through many weeks of "The Things We Didn’t Choose", although Rob Lutes didn't write the song for COVID-19, it's been helpful to me as I struggled with my roles and the uncertainty…

ELAN ArtEd: Connecting through the Arts
Carylye Elementary school’s World Globe, a vision of our earth,
created with the guidance of artist Emily Read.
Photo by Christina Mallozzi.
“Art gives us the opportunity to be kind, respectful and collaborative, and gives…