Tag Archive for: COVID-19
Director’s Message – November, 2020
Guy Rodgers with Anne-Marie Jean CEO of CALQ at ELAN 2019 AGM.
Photo by Nasuna Stuart-Ulin
Artists are remarkably resilient people and quick to create solutions in difficult situations. That is an admirable strength in normal times.…
Staying Connected: Asian Artists in Quebec
Initiative by ELAN's Inclusion Committee
Written by June Park
Edited by Li Li
During May’s Asian Heritage Month, mandated social distancing and regulations due to Covid-19 continue, with artists and companies of all disciplines…
Director’s Message – April
Guy Rodgers attending the Creative Resilience Panel event.
Photography by Nasuna Ulin-Stuart
The show must go on... but maybe not in any way that we have ever experienced, or can currently imagine. The COVID-19 pandemic’s ultimate…
In Response to COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has struck with remarkable rapidity and is affecting every aspect of our lives: as artists, cultural workers, quarantined travelers, parents of young children, and caretakers of aging parents. To maintain the safety of…