Tag Archive for: Projects

ARTSCAST – March 2021 Update
ARTSCAST Live Broadcast Webinar March 3 at 2PM
Release of ARTSCAST Compendium V.1
ARTSCAST is hosting a webinar for artists on March 3, 2021 at 2:00 PM EST. In this webinar you will get to know ELAN’s project, ARTSCAST Live Broadcast…

Teaching Artists’ role in Youth Mental Health: How do teaching Artists positively affect youth mental health through their facilitation of arts and culture processes in schools and communities?
“Bringing people together, inspiring soothing and sharing: these are the powers of art, the importance of which has been made emphatically clear during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
- Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO

SELFIES (Seeing English-Language Families in Engaging Situations)
ELAN is collecting stories from the many groups that make up Quebec’s English-speaking communities. We all arrived in Nouvelle France, Lower Canada or Quebec at different times and from different places. English was the mother tongue for some,…

Québec Relations: Our 2021 Webinar Series Begins with Live Streaming and ARTSCAST
The wait is over: Québec Relations is ready to kick off our webinar series for 2021, and we’re starting with a special presentation in collaboration with ELAN’s ARTSCAST project!
As a follow-up to last year’s Introduction to Live Streaming…

ArtistsInspire School Grants Deadline Suspended – Schools Can Now Apply Any Time!
“How do we stay connected in a world pandemic? Bringing teachers, students and artists together virtually or in-person allows us to create unique and meaningful projects. These experiences connect, revive and inspire us! The students in…

Director’s Message – February, 2021
Photo by: Monique Dykstra
Photo flashback: Guy Rodgers with Peter McFarlane, and Ian Ferrier at ELAN's 2004 Quebec Arts Summit.
We are travelling through uncertain times and uncharted territory. Day-to-day disruptions have stretched into…

We’re All In This Together: Two New Episodes!
As we start the new year, we’re celebrating the release of We’re All In This Together’s first two episodes!
Episode one features mother and daughter-in-law duo, Hainya Wiseman and Linda. Check out this charming video and learn how…

SELFIES (Seeing English-Language Families in Engaging Situations)
ELAN is producing a series of short documentaries about identity and belonging in Quebec’s English-speaking communities. The videos feature participants in five Discussion Groups based on waves of immigration. In December, we had fascinating…

ARTSCAST is now accepting submissions!
ARTSCAST is now accepting submissions for our 2021 arts and culture Live Broadcast Series. The public wants to see your show, and ARTSCAST wants to host it! We are specifically working with community events and independent artists in the New…

Québec Relations: Helping You Come Back Stronger in 2021
Québec Relations was here to help you weather the storm in 2020. In 2021, we’re stepping up our game so you can come back stronger! We all know that accessing grants from arts funders and other government bodies remains crucial to not only…

ELAN ArtEd: ArtistsInspire School Grants deadline extended to January 15, 2021!
"Arts in general are needed now more than they ever have been. It requires problem solving and thinking out of the box. It teaches technology. It promotes continuous learning. And at the core of it all is teamwork. The sky is the limit in terms…

Director’s Message – January, 2021
Zoom screenshot of an ELAN board meeting circa spring, 2020. Left to right / top to bottom: Karen Cho, Guy Rodgers, Blair MacKay, Louise Campbell, Bettina Forget, Paul Bracegirdle, Tim Piper, Kakim Goh, Li Li, Swati Khanna, Deborah Forde, Roger…