Participate in Post Pandemic Action Research, Issues and Ways Forward
The ARTSCAST Post Pandemic Action Plan, Issues and ways forward, Artist and Producer survey is gathering responses with regard to the relaunch of live events along with additional opportunities to include digital value added options…
Waves of Change & What We Choose to Remember
Waves of Change
The final pair of extended Waves of Change videos is now available on ELAN’s YouTube channel. You can read an article about Waves of Change by Deborah Rankin in Montreal Times. Next, the team turns to creating a…
ArtistsInspire School Grants: Supporting Youth Mental Health Through The Arts
"[Spoken Word Artist Rachel McCrum] brought us each agency, by helping students discover the power of words to be able to shape one’s experience of struggle… [M]any students cite Rachel’s virtual visits and lessons as the most…
Québec Relations Webinar: An Introduction to SODEC Funding for Film Projects
Interested in learning more about SODEC funding opportunities for filmmakers in Quebec? Join us on Wednesday, February 23rd at 10:30 AM where Loaded Pictures’ president Sergeo Kirby will present a one-hour session to guide you through…
Letter from the Erstwhile Executive Director, February 2022
When I said goodbye last March, after 17 years of nurturing ELAN from a compelling idea to the dynamic organization it is today,
it was an emotional departure, as final farewells always are. I certainly never expected to return…